Kanyon was a little tired but she is funny she calls these stuffed animals her friends and they have to sleep with her and they had to go with us on Christmas Eve.

We were running a little late and everyone was laughing at me cuz I came charging through the door with Kanyon in my hand food in my other hand and my pants tucked in my boots! Kinda redneck I know!

Braxton and Presley were hiding trying to peek at the presents and I caught them. Silly Silly!!!

Blake and his new tennies

Kylee was so cute she was helping Kanyon open her presents. cuz after Kanyon opened her Hannah Montanna bag with goodies and her chapstick that you can see she is puttting on, she didn't want anything else.

cute lil Braxton

Lane and Jodi and her new snow boots! How exciting!

Mom and her new Cabelas sweatshirt

Bailey made all these hats for her cousins she is so crafty let me tell you! It's pretty bad when your 14 year old neice can do more than you can!!!

Dason and Dazed Kanyon

Jerzi and her new lil monkey friend

Daddy and his lil home girl!

Kanyon with her Hannah Montanna bag. I can't believe my lil 2 year old already likes Manna MaTanna that's how she say's it and it's sooo CUTE!

Christmas Eve was Great! we always celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve at my moms cuz it's just easier that way. It's so hard to get everyone together you have to visit so many relatives. But it's fun and busy!
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