This was last year but I thought it was a cute pic of me and ghouls Katie and Kaz. We didn't make it this year. Hopefully next year! I am going to witchapalooza with my mom sis and aunts and cousins that will be a fun girls day out!
hello hello again! um... well ya see i think that jake might be down with switchin he said but we might have a big problem he says women are OBSSESSED with him becuz he is so sexy so he said it wo0uld not be a good idea becuz blake would be sad after becuz u would fall deeply in love with him!! WOW i know he is not stuck on himself at all!! thats jake for ya though he has always just been jake!! silly guy! oh and for the pictures?? i do all my own pictures! i love it!!!! pictures are my favorite! yea i am still teachin dance! im lovin it this year! how bout u are u workin?
okay so about the pictures! i have photoshop programs and i create my own backgrounds on all my pictures! it is really fun just time consuming! and yes about us being alike it is very true! u should really consider teaching dance with me sometime ya know?
Hey! There is a bunch of my friends going to Witches night out on Friday if you want to come?? We are leaving after work at about 6... just let me know. We would love to have you come!!
I am an easy going person who is married and we have two beautiful girls that we enjoy to pieces! I have always loved photography and was doing it as a hobby then it just grew from there. I'm LOVIN every minute of it. Make an appointment TODAY! :)
hello hello again! um... well ya see i think that jake might be down with switchin he said but we might have a big problem he says women are OBSSESSED with him becuz he is so sexy so he said it wo0uld not be a good idea becuz blake would be sad after becuz u would fall deeply in love with him!! WOW i know he is not stuck on himself at all!! thats jake for ya though he has always just been jake!! silly guy! oh and for the pictures?? i do all my own pictures! i love it!!!! pictures are my favorite! yea i am still teachin dance! im lovin it this year! how bout u are u workin?
okay so about the pictures! i have photoshop programs and i create my own backgrounds on all my pictures! it is really fun just time consuming! and yes about us being alike it is very true! u should really consider teaching dance with me sometime ya know?
Count me in next year!!!
Hey! There is a bunch of my friends going to Witches night out on Friday if you want to come?? We are leaving after work at about 6... just let me know. We would love to have you come!!
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