Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Today is my dads 60th Birthday! I can't believe it! I just wanted to wish him a Happy Birthday and many many more to come. I just want to tell everyone what an amazing guy my dad is and how much I love him. Thanks for all you do your such a neat guy and I'm so glad your my dad! Hope you enjoy the slide show! LOVE YAH!!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Halloween outfit Pics!
My sweet Kanyon
PiCKin SoMe PuMPkInS
Here's my little pumpkin!
Daddy and his girls! Kanyon didn't want her picture taken cuz she was to busy getting pumpkins!
Me Jerz and busy bee Kanyon in the back!
Kanyon liked to pick the pumpkins up and throw them! I'm glad the farmer wasn't around
On our way home to put the pumkins in the yard! She just had to hold hers!

Jerzi @ 1:00 A.M.
Here is Jerzi at 1:00 in the morning she is such a stinker. She's like HaHa mom! She is 2 months today maybe she was excited about that. I don't know but she is something else. She still has her days and nights a little mixed up but it's getting better. She sleeps pretty good in her swing. Whatever works huh!

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Witches night out!
Breezy Bum!
So my hubby is something else let me tell you and I hope you all
don't think were too wierd. So he doesn't wear underwear yeah it's
true! I think it's because of the myth that if you wear whitey tidies
you will have girls and if you wear boxer briefs you'll have boys
so hey why not go without any undies that will give us a better chance
of having a boy. We love our girls by all means. But a boy would be
fun too! So he goes to work and jumps in a fork lift and he's like wow
that feels a little breezy and feels his butt and yip a big ole rip! He
didn't know how long it had been there or how it happened. So he
goes in what they call the shack and he just bends over and the
one kid goes Hey that's a nice A**! I don't know about these boys
they have a thing for butts! I worry a little! Anyway this other
guy says Oh my Gosh man your not wearing any underwear!
way I thought it was pretty funny! yeah and a little wierd. Only Blakers huh! I'll let you know if it works! But We'll probably have all girls! Which is fine!
don't think were too wierd. So he doesn't wear underwear yeah it's
true! I think it's because of the myth that if you wear whitey tidies
you will have girls and if you wear boxer briefs you'll have boys
so hey why not go without any undies that will give us a better chance
of having a boy. We love our girls by all means. But a boy would be
fun too! So he goes to work and jumps in a fork lift and he's like wow
that feels a little breezy and feels his butt and yip a big ole rip! He
didn't know how long it had been there or how it happened. So he
goes in what they call the shack and he just bends over and the
one kid goes Hey that's a nice A**! I don't know about these boys
they have a thing for butts! I worry a little! Anyway this other
guy says Oh my Gosh man your not wearing any underwear!

way I thought it was pretty funny! yeah and a little wierd. Only Blakers huh! I'll let you know if it works! But We'll probably have all girls! Which is fine!
A-Z (I got tagged)
A-Attached or Single: Attached
B-Best Friend: My mom, Jodi, my mother in law Pat, Kaz, Katie, and Nikki
C-Cake or Pie: both
D-Day of Choice: SaTUrDay
E-Essential Item: Diapers, wipes
F-Favorite Color: PiNk and BLacK
G-Greatest Accomplishment: Being a mom!
I-Indulgences: SeX LOL!!! j/k
J-January or July: July
K-Kids: 2 kids KaNYoN and JeRZi
L-Life is incomplete without: my family
M-Marriage date: September 11, 2004
N-Number of Siblings: 2 Jodi and Ryan
O-Oranges or Apples: Oranges
P-Phobias or Fears: Mice, I hate the dirty little suckers
Q-Quotes: Live like you're at the bottom, even if you're at the top. - Nick Jonas
R-Reason to Smile: My Girls!
S-Season: Summer-Summer
T-Tag 5 friends: who ever wants to play
U-Unknown Fact About Me: On lazy stormy days I like to watch I Love Lucy and Golden Girls
V-Very Favorite Store: Wal Mart I seem to be there the most
W-Worst Habit: swearing, shopping
X-X-Ray or UltraSound: Baby ultra sound
Y-Your Favorite Food: mashed potato's
Z-Your Zodiac Sign: Libra
A-Attached or Single: Attached
B-Best Friend: My mom, Jodi, my mother in law Pat, Kaz, Katie, and Nikki
C-Cake or Pie: both
D-Day of Choice: SaTUrDay
E-Essential Item: Diapers, wipes
F-Favorite Color: PiNk and BLacK
G-Greatest Accomplishment: Being a mom!
I-Indulgences: SeX LOL!!! j/k
J-January or July: July
K-Kids: 2 kids KaNYoN and JeRZi
L-Life is incomplete without: my family
M-Marriage date: September 11, 2004
N-Number of Siblings: 2 Jodi and Ryan
O-Oranges or Apples: Oranges
P-Phobias or Fears: Mice, I hate the dirty little suckers
Q-Quotes: Live like you're at the bottom, even if you're at the top. - Nick Jonas
R-Reason to Smile: My Girls!
S-Season: Summer-Summer
T-Tag 5 friends: who ever wants to play
U-Unknown Fact About Me: On lazy stormy days I like to watch I Love Lucy and Golden Girls
V-Very Favorite Store: Wal Mart I seem to be there the most
W-Worst Habit: swearing, shopping
X-X-Ray or UltraSound: Baby ultra sound
Y-Your Favorite Food: mashed potato's
Z-Your Zodiac Sign: Libra
Brian's Bear

This is my awesome brother in law who shot this bear up in idaho
Pretty exciting and pretty scarey at the same time the first time he shot it he basically wounded it and when he got up to it the dang thing got up on him. He shot it and ran like no other but he got it. The people up there said it was one of the biggest mama bears that they have seen in a long tme! But he is just going to get a rug out of it cuz he wants a bigger one. Kanyon didn't know what to think when she saw it in person but she talks about uncle Bri's bear all the time and that she wants to go see it. What a GOOF! Kamryn didn't care she got right in there and stood with the bear.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Jerzi Cow
Wii night

Princess Party

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