I decided to put my cute lil Jerz under the tree with all the presents we wrapped. She is a present by herself! And the BEST present ever she is such a bundle of JOY!!! I Love My Girls!

Kanyon decided to pop into one of the pics.

me and my cute girls!

Kanyon is such a good little helper she loved to tape everything and I mean alot of tape. It is fun having 2 girls to buy for even though poor jerz ain't getting much but they are so fun and might I add a little expensive.
me and kade go way way back! him and jake have been friends since like elemetary! we love him to death he is hilarious! thats funnu have the same christmas tree! who knows maybe we are secret TWINS?? ha ha
They both have heartbreaker eyes! Haha GORGEOUS! It would be hard not to spoil those 2 rotten! Kanyon has gotten so big and I have to meet Jerzi...
Looks like you are ready for Christmas, hope you guys have a great Holiday!
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