We have a family Christmas party every year on my moms side of the family. It's always good to see everyone and there growing kids. Jerzi is already partied out!

Blake is just playing barbie cars with the kids.

This is my aunt Mary's cute grandkids there are a few missing!

Jerzi is just hangin out with her crazy hair!

Kanyon wasn't to excited about Santa clause this year. But she tells me that all she wants from Santa is a Ball! That should be pretty easy huh!

Kanyon got her present so now she is happy! Little Stinker!

Jerzi could care less she just sat there looking cute for everybody!

This is my cute neice Bailey. Never to old to sit on Santa's lap!

This is crazy Braxton my nephew. He was funny he couldn't take his eyes off that present. He's like give me my present so I can get the heck out of here.

My cheesy nephew Dason. I didn't get pics of all my neices and nephews but they were all so cute!

My dad and Haegan getting ready to play a game!

Kanyon has here sack ready to play the candy bar game!
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