Sorry this is kinda nasty but it was so funny I had to share it with you. Yes that it a breast pump. Kanyon was using it as a microphone. If she only knew huh?
These elephants were so cute. It's amazing what they can do. Jodi, Kanyon, and Presley pretending to be mad. Silly Kanyon! There's Presley's Smilin face!
Jerzi is getting so big she is 5 weeks and so much fun. Today is the first day that I could make her smile and not just her gas boy this girl can really rip one! We just Love her!!!
So this is my friend Katie and her little girl Bailee that you can't see and this is her elk she shot. What a woman! Good job Katie I'm glad she can show these boy's up! This is Kyle Katie's hubby wishin that this was his elk! J/k he's shot some nice ones in his day.
Here is all the crew at the zoo if you look far back enough you could see all 30 of us. We had a crew. It was alot of Fun. Toni was nice enough to sport the boat stroller to help Blake and I out. Thanks Toni!!! Here is Blake enjoying himself on the merry go round. Gosh you think he could take his daughter with him. J/k shes behind him. Me Tiff and Kanyon Kanyon got a kick out of the watering lion. What a cute smile!! Josh and Jerzi girl!! He needs a baby of his own. He was a natural!
Me and Kanyon were so excited for the zoo. It's probably been 10 years since me and Blake had been to the zoo. Jerzi is one month she is growning so fast I can't believe it.We went with all of Blakes cousins and aunt's. We had a great time! Mom and Kanyon on the train ride! Kanyon loves Choo Choos!!! Jerzi and her cute cousin Ryker! Here's our fun cousins Mindy, Tara, Heston, Bob, Tiff, Kamryn, Ryker and Aubree. I Love elephants!!!
We went to the fish farm for mine and Steph's B-Day and Kanyon was not afraid of these fish she wanted to kiss them! It started raining really hard so here is Jerzi just chillin in Grammy's car! What a BEAUTY! These are Kanyons cute cousins Dason and Bailey. Here are all the little monsters starting at the top is Mason, Bailey, Jerzi, Dason, Kanyon, Presley, Braxton, and miss Kylee.
I am an easy going person who is married and we have two beautiful girls that we enjoy to pieces! I have always loved photography and was doing it as a hobby then it just grew from there. I'm LOVIN every minute of it. Make an appointment TODAY! :)